Orthopedic Shoe Insoles
Children & Youth
As the body develops, misalignments become visible and often noticeable. At the same time, growth offers a unique opportunity to perfectly balance the musculoskeletal system with foot orthoses.
Schedule AppointmentThe majority of children show abnormalities in their gait. The most common are bow legs and walking on the forefoot or with the toes pointing inwards. Even if minor deformities often develop, orthopaedic support is worthwhile to enable the body to develop optimally. Puberty is the ideal time to eliminate these deformities.
Through growth without joint pain
Sporty teenagers in particular are regularly plagued by night-time pain in their legs, feet or knees. Instead of staying away from school or club sports during a growth spurt, we recommend first analysing the movement sequences. In our experience, growing pains are usually caused by misalignments that can be easily corrected.
Our Services

Telefonische Erstberatung
Gerne besprechen wir mit Ihnen die Symptome Ihres Kindes und finden heraus, ob NUMO-Schuheinlagen infrage kommen.

Lauf- und Ganganalyse
Ausgehend von Messungen auf dem Laufband oder auf unserer Indoor Sprintbahn können wir das Gangbild Ihres Kindes optimieren.

Nutzen Sie unsere Beratung für Kindersportschuhe und vergleichen Sie verschiedene Modelle direkt in unserem Showroom.

Telefonische Erstberatung
Gerne besprechen wir mit Ihnen die Symptome Ihres Kindes und finden heraus, ob NUMO-Schuheinlagen infrage kommen.

Lauf- und Ganganalyse
Ausgehend von Messungen auf dem Laufband oder auf unserer Indoor Sprintbahn können wir das Gangbild Ihres Kindes optimieren.

Nutzen Sie unsere Beratung für Kindersportschuhe und vergleichen Sie verschiedene Modelle direkt in unserem Showroom.
Orthopedic Products from NUMO
Frequently Asked Questions About Orthopedic Shoe Insoles
The prices for orthopedic insoles from NUMO are CHF 259.35 for children up to the age of 6 and CHF 368.35 for children up to the age of 12.
This includes a fitting appointment, the first check-up within three months of delivery of the insoles, and a three-month adjustment guarantee.
We recommend a gait analysis for this. It costs CHF 133.– (for adolescents aged 12 to 16) and is a prerequisite for creating custom insoles.
The gait analysis for children takes about 30 minutes and is conducted at NUMO in Dietikon on the treadmill.
The gait analysis at NUMO in Dietikon includes the following:
– Static assessment of the feet, knees, hips, and spinal alignment on a mirrored table
– Video analysis on the treadmill to assess the dynamic rolling behavior of the foot and the
mechanical force transmission to knees, hips, and pelvis when walking or jogging
– Verbal explanation of the video images, including a copy for you
– Measurement of dynamic pressure distribution using RSscan Footscan®
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